Category Archives: by Jandi

Flying Pigs


Apparently it only took a heart attack and a collapsed lung to get David’s family to finally come visit us after having lived here for a year and a half!  Both David’s uncle and his cousin’s little boy are doing fine now and will be going home shortly.  It was really nice having family here altho we would have preferred the circumstances to be better.  I took this picture of David’s aunts all crashed on our couch before waking them up.  I guess now they will know I took this picture!

And finally a win!


The last soccer game of the Spring season was today.  Gorgeous weather, happy kids, and finally a win!  What a way to end the season.  All of kids really improved over the past four weeks.  Of course, the most exciting part of the day for Lorelei was receiving her trophy.  She spent the entire drive home talking about how cool it is, where she would put it, and how proud every person she could think of would be when they found out she had gotten her first trophy.  Little kids are so great!

He’s still so tiny.


Why yes, I am that awesome.


Years of gummy bread and rolls that refused to rise had led me to believe that perhaps I just wasn’t cut out to make bread or anything else requiring yeast.  I was wrong (it was bound to happen eventually).  After attending a bread making class (thanks again Diana!), my friend Joanne and I decided to try our luck at whole wheat bread.  We used the Nutrimill recipe and substituted freshly ground wheat for store-bought whole wheat flour.  Neither of us were up to hand grinding 12 cups of flour.  I was surprised by how easy it actually was.  It looked easy in the class but that was while our local expert was demonstrating.  She does the most amazing things and always makes them look effortless.  I really enjoyed kneading the bread (not as sticky as I thought) and I’ll be making more soon.  I’m quite proud of myself.  Lorelei, however, was disappointed by my efforts today when she realized I made wheat bread and not zucchini bread.

Am I one of THOSE moms?

So, Lorelei has been doing pretty well in soccer so I went ahead and signed her up for the summer season.  And since she could use some formal skills work, I signed her up for soccer camp.  And since she doesn’t seem to suffer from my total lack of coordination, I signed her up for tennis lessons.  At least tennis and soccer only overlap two weeks and are never on the same day.  Am I trying to justify myself?  Yes, yes I am.

May 2009


Having It All

Me: Do you want to play soccer this summer?

Lorelei: Yes! I love soccer!

Me: Okay, I’ll sign you up.

Lorelei: Wait. What days?

Me: Tuesdays and Saturdays just like now.

Lorelei: Well, I was thinking maybe we could go to Lagoon.

Me: You can play soccer and go to Lagoon any other day.

Lorelei: Okay! I love soccer!

Everything is coming up roses

This yard is an amazing amount of work. I have almost gotten everything planted tho, and even weeded the majority of the front yard. I’m going to work on the backyard later this week when there is actually room in the garbage can. Anyone know of a green waste deposit nearby? I am most excited about the lilies and I am praying for their survival. These poor plants have no idea who purchased them and the tragic fate’s of the ones who were purchased last year.

At least I got some neat stuff

My grandparents have sold their house.  We went over tonight and I ended up staying there for hours while my grandmother went through things.  Thirty years of memories, dust, and stuff.  I can’t believe how sad it makes me feel.  I’ve spent the majority of my Thanksgiving Day’s in that dining room, around that table.  It’s the first memory of Christmas was in that house.  It is where we stayed for summer vacations, long weekends, and any time we just needed a place to stay.  It will be weird not to go there anymore.  I need to take lots of pictures of the kids there this month.

Please no drum circles

I don’t know if it’s David’s new fascination with his djembe, or the fact that he drummed on my stomach while I was pregnant.  Either way, Eli keeps trying to drum on me.  He hits me, then the table, then me, then the door.  Me, drum, me, door, me, table.  Why yes, it IS annoying.  He’s pretty proud of himself tho.